Consultations & Devices
According to the sign on my door all devices need to be switched off or ‘silenced’ during consultation, since I feel interrupted with constant tones and bleeps. Most patients ignore the notice. (more…)
According to the sign on my door all devices need to be switched off or ‘silenced’ during consultation, since I feel interrupted with constant tones and bleeps. Most patients ignore the notice. (more…)
Quality of Life. Balanced Nutrition. Wellness.
Awareness. Guidance. Motivation.
Presentation / Webinar (more…)
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In the second part of our series on Eating Disorders, Smriti Daniel speaks to Consultant Dietician Sigrid de Silva about Compulsive Overeating
By Smriti Daniel
We’re used to thinking of eating disorders (ED) as a purely western malady, but Consultant Dietician Sigrid S. De Silva has noticed a disturbing trend in recent years. Some of her youngest patients have been diagnosed as having anorexia or bulimia, while others complain of compulsive overeating. (more…)
Some people are quite willing to take advice on what to ingest [eat, drink] from a non-qualified person.
But: is it legal and/or ethical for ‘anyone’ to dispense nutrition and diet advice, hand over or share a ‘Diet Prescription’, a so called ‘One-fits-all Diet-Plan’, a ‘Weight Loss Programme’, or ‘Diet Therapy’, not taking into account nutrition basics, individual lifestyle, health of the recipient and his/her special requirement?
Answer: yes and no.
Belly fat is of great health concern since it plays a significant role in the development of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, PCOS, sub-fertility and various other health issues ranging from backache to gastric reflux.
Bulking agents, glazing agents, stabilizers, thickeners, artificial flavourings; these are just some of the things we maybe consuming on a daily basis, with long term negative effects, warns Consultant Dietician Sigrid de Silva (more…)
Unfortunately, some individuals feel the need to make awkward comments on people’s appearance, often in the first moments of greeting.
This is something I have noticed particularly in Sri Lanka, although it may be similar in many other countries. (more…)